From the Left





The Importance of Defending the Free Speech Rights of Pro-Palestinian Students in Florida

From the Left / ACLU /

Like everyone else, college students have a First Amendment right to express their political opinions and advocate for the causes they believe in. Universities have long served as hotbeds for students to exercise these rights, providing opportunities for them to encounter diverse perspectives and broaden their understanding of themselves and ...Read more

Where the Civil War Never Seems to End — Our Presidential Campaigns

From the Left / Clarence Page /

I wrote before about Nikki Haley and her gaffe in December about the causes of the Civil War. But the subject still strikes a chord with me.

Haley’s apparent sensitivity around offending GOP voters who don’t want to be thought of as racists, combined with the continuing debate around Jan. 6 and what it meant, has me wondering how much we’...Read more

Unaccountable Police Units Are Wrong for Safety

From the Left / ACLU /

Last week, the National Policing Institute, in cooperation with the Department of Justice office of Community Oriented Policing Services, issued guidance to state and local law enforcement agencies on specialized units. NPI's first recommendation is for law enforcement agencies to question whether they should create specialized units, and ...Read more

Donald Trump, Unifier? That’s a New One

From the Left / Clarence Page /

In striking contrast to his usual bombast, Donald Trump’s victory speech in Iowa sounded surprisingly humble, a quality not often associated with the former president.

He also looked and sounded a bit tired, but still jolly, as he thanked the crowd of caucusgoers for their support and made an unexpected plea for the nation to “come together...Read more


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