


Calvin Coolidge suffered from depression because of what?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Death In The Family
His Wife Had An Affair With The Milkman
Everyone Made Fun Of How Little He Spoke
He Was Not Up For The Job

In 1991, President George H. Bush was diagnosed with what disease which is caused by thyroid over activity?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Grave's Disease
Parkinson's Disease
Bright's Disease
Addison's Disease

What title does the leader of Canada hold?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Prime Minister

Which newly-opened landmark did President Theodore Roosevelt sail to in 1906?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Panama Canal
King Tut's Tomb
Niagara Falls

Who became the first woman to lead a party in Congress when she became House Minority Leader?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Nancy Pelosi
Hillary Clinton
Maria E. Cantwell
Elizabeth Dole

Who was the only civilian killed in the Battle of Gettysburg?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Jenny Wade
Polly Smith
Mary Surrat
Sally Gates

When Russia was the Soviet Union, when did children get gifts?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
New Years
They Didn't

Who was the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

John Jay
John Marshall
Aaron Burr
John Adams

What country did King Hussein rule?

Knowledge / History Trivia /


What was the original purpose of the Leaning Tower of Pisa?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Bell Tower
Military Lookout
Town Cryer Post

What city did Peter I have built to be the capital of his empire?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Saint Petersburg

What type of government did the USSR have until 1991?

Knowledge / History Trivia /


In 1993, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded jointly to F.W. de Klerk and who?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Nelson Mandela
Shimon Peres
Yitzhak Rabin
Chris Hani

Who invented the capacitor?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Alessandro Volta
Georg Simon Ohm
Thomas Edison
Michael Faraday

What type of plane did Richard Bong fly during World War II?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

P-40 Warhawk
F4U Corsair
F4F-3 Wildcat
P-38 Lightning

Who was Truman's Vice-President?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Thomas Dewey
Alben Barkley
Hubert Humphrey
Wendell Winkle

Which general led the American forces in North Africa during World War II?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Harry S. Truman
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Douglas MacArthur
George S. Patton

What does "Magna Carta" mean?

Knowledge / History Trivia /

Less Power
Magnificent Charter
Great Charter
Magnificent Document


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