Senior Living



Why enrolling in Medicare Part D is important

Senior Living / Toni Says /


I was told to receive a shingles vaccination; I need to be enrolled in a Part D prescription drug plan for the vaccination to have a $0 copay or pay $200. I thought all vaccinations and immunizations are covered at no cost under Medicare Part B.

Can you explain this Medicare rule? Thank you.

--Carl from Lubbock, Texas


On ...Read more

Terminated Medicare Part B 5 years ago … now I have a gigantic problem!

Senior Living / Toni Says /


Five years ago, when I was laid off, I enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B when I turned 65 in August. By November, I found a new job with benefits and terminated my Medicare Part B. In October of 2023 I finally retired. After filing my Social Security forms, I discovered that I was denied enrollment because I had a past due bill of $405...Read more


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