


Is there a word of encouragement not to throw in the towel?


From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: My husband lost our retirement savings by putting it under the care of a friend’s son trying to start his investment business. This has been devastating to us, particularly him, as he feels foolish and taken advantage of. However, he also helped mentor this young man and doesn’t want to put a black mark on his own integrity by retaliating. Is there a word of encouragement not to throw in the towel? – B.I.

A: Individuals can be stripped of power and possessions quickly. Often such an experience causes feelings of devastation. In that moment, the Holy Spirit may cause the spiritual bandages to fall from their eyes, helping them to see clearly for the first time their greater need.

People respond differently to crises depending on temperament, emotional balance, environment, and lifestyle. But regardless, it is a jolt in life. When great disappointment has been experienced, when one has lost the sense of power through material possessions, feeling alone is common.

The most important thing anyone can do for those in despair is to focus on the Lord Jesus Christ. Only the Holy Spirit can give us peace in the midst of the storms of restlessness and despair. The very goodness of God leads people to learn from bad decisions and lean on Him for guidance.


The One who owns everything and possesses all power in Heaven and on Earth will speak to us and help us know that in spite of difficulties, the Lord will help us through. Often for the Christian, God calls His people to be faithful in pointing others to Him. The way in which we react to hurts and disappointments influences the shaping of our personalities and can be used of God as a powerful testimony.


(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

©2023 Billy Graham Literary Trust. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.




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