


Swiftie identifies 34 Taylor Swift songs in 1 minute to break world record


Published in Weird News

(UPI) A dedicated Swiftie from Pakistan broke a Guinness World Record by correctly identifying 34 Taylor Swift songs from their lyrics in one minute.

Bilal Ilyas Jhandir, 20, had to listen to the lyrics being read aloud by a man without any accompanying music to identify each song.

The record attempt included Swift's 50 best-selling songs arranged in random order.

He managed to identify 34 songs in one minute, breaking the record of 27 set by Dan Simpson in 2019.

"I have been listening to Taylor Swift since my childhood. I am a die-hard fan of her," Jhandir told Guinness World Records. I have listened to each and every song of hers. I can identify almost any song of hers from the lyrics.


Jhandir previously set records for the most animals identified from animal sounds in one minute (23)and the most Justin Bieber songs identified from their lyrics in one minute (29), but he said his latest title is the one that gives him the most pride.

Jhandir said his favorite Swift album is the "absolute masterpiece" Folklore.

"The thing I like the most about her is her way of writing out-of-this-world songs that always hit the bottom of my heart," he said. The authenticity in her songwriting, the emotional depth in her lyrics, and her ability to connect with listeners on a personal level are all the things that I admire most about Taylor Swift.

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