


'Inappropriate' emergency calls include lost dentures, hand stuck in mailbox


Published in Weird News

(UPI) The Welsh Ambulance Service released details of some of the most "inappropriate" calls to the emergency 999 number, including members of the public who ate too much kebob and lost their dentures.

The service said it fielded 414,149 calls last year, and 68,416 turned out not to be emergenies, an average of 188 each day.

The inappropriate 999 calls included a member of the public whose wife accidentally got some chili in her eyes, causing them to run.

One caller said: "Yesterday evening, we had some kebab, and I might have had a little bit more than I'm used to, then this morning, I've had a very painful stomach."

Another caller reported a ring was stuck on their finger and needed to be cut off, while another complained that his wife had lost her voice.


One caller reported the ball from their piercing was stuck in their ear and another reported that their hand was stuck in a mailbox.

"I have a bottom part denture, and I went to clean my teeth and I said, 'Where's my false teeth?' This sounds crazy... but I don't know what else to do. Could I have swallowed my false teeth?" a caller asked dispatchers.

The ambulance service urged members of the public to only call 999 for potentially life-threatening situations.

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