


White to Play

Pete Tamburro on

Published in Chess Puzzles

This is a great puzzle with the rook vs. bishop struggle. The key first move may surprise you.

A study by J. Vancura in 1924. 1.Kg5!! Bc6 1...Kxh7 2.Rh4+ wins.; 1...Bg2 2.Rg4 Bh3 3.Rg3 Be6 4.Kh6 Bb3 5.Rd3 Bd5 6.Rd4; 1...Bf3 2.Rf4 Bd5 3.Kh6; 1...Bd5 2.Rd4 Ba2 3.Kh6 Bd5 4.Rd3; 1...Bb7 2.Rb4 Bd5 3.Kh6 2.Rc4 Bb5 3.Rc7 Bd3 4.Kh6 Bf5 5.Rf7 and the rook vs bishop struggle is over, yet that king move was spectacular and not intuitive.


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